Watsons One Step Ovulation Test
Product Details
•WATSONS One Step Ovulation Test 5s
Watsons One Step Ovulation
How to read the results
•Please read the results after 3 minutes but do not read results over 5 minutes.
Place of Origin
How to do the test
1. To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove test device from the pouch.
2. Hold the round end of cover with one hand. Use the other hand to pull off the cap and expose the absorbent tip.
3. Point the absorbent tip downward&.,& place the absorbent tip in urine steam for at least 10 seconds to ensure thoroughly wet. Do not urinate past the blue mark. Alternatively, you can collect your urine into a clean cup and dip half of the absorbent tip into the urine for at least3 seconds.
4. Re-cap the device and wait for coulour bands to appear. Read the result within 3 to 5 minutes. Results will be invalid after 5 minutes.
How to read the results
Please read the results after 3 minutes but do not read results over 5 minutes. How to read the results?
Negative (not pregnant):
•Only one colour band appears in the control zone with no apparent band in the test zone. This indicates that no pregnancy has been detected.
Positive (pregnant):
•Distinct colour bands appear in the control and test zones. It indicates that you are pregnant. The colour intensity of the test bands my vary since different stages of pregnancy have different concentrations of hCG hormone.
•No visible band at all, or there is a visible band only in the test region but not in the control region. Repeat with a new test kit.
•Test stick
•For self-testing use only.
•For in vitro diagnostic use only.
•Use once. Discard after first use.
•Do not use the test kit beyond expiry date.
•Do not use the kit if the pouch is punctured or not well sealed.
•Keep out of reach of children.