One Touch Ultra Plus Test Strips

•Blood glucose test strips compatible with the OneTouch Ultra Plus Flex meter
•Vial of 25 test strips
•Accurate results in an average of 5 seconds
•Fast, accurate results with a tiny blood sample (0.4 μL)
•Side-Fill feature to allow blood application from either side
•Meets all criteria of EN ISO 15197:2015
•The OneTouch Ultra® Plus Test Strips when used with the OneTouch Ultra® Plus Family
of Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems (OneTouch Ultra Plus Flex™) are intended for
the quantitative measurement of glucose (sugar) in fresh capillary whole blood drawn
from the fingertips. Refer to your user guide that came with your meter for sample
information. The OneTouch Ultra® Plus Family of Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems
are intended for self-testing outside the body (in vitro diagnostic use) by people with
diabetes at home and with healthcare professionals in a clinical setting as an aid to
monitor the effectiveness of diabetes control.
The OneTouch Ultra® Plus Family of Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems is not to be
used for the diagnosis of or screening of diabetes or for neonatal use.
•Each test strip contains: flavin adenine dinucleotide dependent glucose
dehydrogenase or FAD-GDH (from Aspergillus sp.) 0.459–0.628 U; potassium
ferricyanide 33.13–37.13 μg; and other ingredients (buffer, etc.). The vial contains a
drying agent.
Product Warnings:
•For self-testing. Consult Instructions for Use. Store in vial only. Store between 5°C and 30°C. Do Not refrigerate. Replace cap immediately. Do Not Reuse.
Country of Origin:
•540 DAYS