KidneyPro 700mg
* REJUVENATE YOUR KIDNEYS WITH VITACRAN CRANBERRY EXTRACT: Your kidneys are always working hard – Give them the support they need with our powerful detox! Thanks to VitaCran Cranberry Extract & other potent ingredients this cleanse helps flush toxins, fight bacteria, and improve overall function.
* IMPROVE BLADDER CONTROL: If you struggle with urinary leaks or irritation, you may be facing poor bladder control. But with Java Tea Leaf, Birch Leaf, and Horsetail, our incredible kidney cleanse can help improve bladder control while fighting infections!
* URINARY TRACT SUPPORT: Good urinary tract health helps prevent uncomfortable infections. With potent ingredients like Goldenrod, Uva-Ursi, and Buchu, our cleanse soothes the urinary tract and discourages infections by fighting the bacteria that cause them.