Central Market - Balintawak QC

Cultured Green Trading Fuji Apple (CT)

4 pcs / pack

• Fuji Apple Its pulp is solid, more fresh, and sweet than another apple cultivars. It is a crossbreed from two kinds of American Apple, they are red delicious and old Virginia rails genet.
• Fuji Apple is very good for whitening your teeth. Biting and chewing Fuji Apple will stimulate saliva production in your mouth. It will be less bacteria levels in your mouth. So, it can reduce tooth decay.
• Fuji Apple Health benefits, if we consume this juice regularly, it can prevent Alzheimer's and reduce the aging effect in the brain. It will increase acetylcholine levels.
• Consuming foods with high fiber like apple is very good for protecting us from Parkinson’s disease. It is signed with break nerve cells that produced dopamine and make healthy muscles and nerves. But, its antioxidant in Fuji Apple can increase the protection of Parkinson’s disease.
• Fuji Apple health benefits is preventing gallstone. It can be happened if cholesterol levels is so high.
• Fiber in Fuji Apple is very good to tie fat in intestines. We have to consume Fuji Apple everyday, so we can prevent high cholesterol.

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