All Products

- Best Sellers
- Appetizers
- Indian Shorba
- Vegetarian Tandoori Specialties
- Seafood Tandoori Specialties
- Chicken Tandoori Specialties
- Mutton Tandoori Specialties
- Prawn Specialties
- Lentils
- Vegetable Dishes
- Paneer Dishes
- Seafood
- Egg
- Mutton Dishes
- Chicken Dishes
- Biryani Regular | Hyderabadi Biryani
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- South Indian Food Non-Vegetable Dish
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- Beers
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- Indian Whisky

New Bombay - Glorietta 3
Today, 01:00 PM

- Best Sellers
- Appetizers
- Indian Shorba
- Vegetarian Tandoori Specialties
- Seafood Tandoori Specialties
- Chicken Tandoori Specialties
- Mutton Tandoori Specialties
- Prawn Specialties
- Lentils
- Vegetable Dishes
- Paneer Dishes
- Seafood
- Egg
- Mutton Dishes
- Chicken Dishes
- Biryani Regular | Hyderabadi Biryani
- Rice
- Breads
- South Indian Food
- South Indian Food Non-Vegetable Dish
- Indo- Chinese Food
- Yogurt
- Salad
- Dessert
- Beverages
- Beers
- Wine
- Indian Whisky

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Best Sellers
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slide 1 to 5 of 8

Indian Shorba
slide 1 to 5 of 7

Vegetarian Tandoori Specialties
slide 1 to 5 of 11

Seafood Tandoori Specialties
slide 1 to 5 of 6

Chicken Tandoori Specialties
slide 1 to 5 of 11

Mutton Tandoori Specialties
slide 1 to 5 of 5

Prawn Specialties
slide 1 to 4 of 4
slide 1 to 5 of 8
Vegetable Dishes
slide 1 to 5 of 11

Paneer Dishes
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slide 1 to 5 of 11

slide 1 to 5 of 7
Mutton Dishes
slide 1 to 5 of 11

Chicken Dishes
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Biryani Regular | Hyderabadi Biryani
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slide 1 to 5 of 11

slide 1 to 5 of 11

South Indian Food
slide 1 to 5 of 9

South Indian Food Non-Vegetable Dish
slide 1 to 5 of 8

Indo- Chinese Food
slide 1 to 5 of 11

slide 1 to 5 of 8


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slide 1 to 5 of 10


Indian Whisky
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